Neck disc surgery

The Strengthen the surrounding shoulders and muscles, as they increase the strength and endurance of these muscles, putting less pressure on the spine and intervertebral discs.
The human neck contains 7 vertebrae, which are the most common joints after lumbar spine, abrasion, and narrowing of the disc and herniation of the disc. Several factors can cause pain in the neck and subsequent fatal pain in the hands. These include soft tissue inflammation around the articular articular joints, inappropriate head and shoulder condition, primary or secondary vertebral deformities, osteoarthritis, disc and muscle cramps, and ligamentous elongation.
Neck pain is caused by a variety of causes, such as work, injuries, some diseases. Most neck aches caused by activity are due to repetitive and prolonged movements of the neck muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones or joints.
Excessive muscle tension, ligament damage, muscle spasm or inflammation of the neck joints are also the causes of these problems.
Usually, neck pain occurs at two time points
Do: People between the ages of 5 and 40 who are mostly functional and have ergonomics in their work environment suffer from neck pain.
After 4 years of age due to aging and a person with a neck disc.
Cervical disc pain manifests in two forms:
1-mechanical pain of the neck disc 2-diffuse neck pain of the neck
Mechanical Disk Neck Pain:
This type of pain is local and can be felt in the spine itself or is very close to the spine. The patient does not feel any pain in the morning and wakes up and gradually increases with daily activity so that nighttime reaches its peak.
Cervical disc diffusion pain:
Root or diffuse pain is usually felt in the area of the hand, meaning it can be in the shoulder, arm, forearm, and palm. It is reduced and the symptoms of numbness become apparent, which means that when we place the paper between the index finger and the thumb of the patient, we can easily remove the paper from between the fingers.
A few tips on ways to relieve pain
Use of Necklace:
Short-term use of necklaces is helpful to relieve pain, but in the long-term it is not a good way to go. It can be quite painful for more than a few days and can weaken the neck muscles.
Correct body posture:
The way to sit, stand, and exercise during daily exercise is very effective in relieving this pain. It is recommended to do stretching exercises to relieve neck pain.
And avoid doing exercises that cause pain.
Other useful tips:
Always keep your neck straight, standing, sitting, or walking, straight and perpendicular
To the body so that it does not angle the body.
- Never bend your neck, but if you need to lower your chair or raise your desk height so you don't have to bend your neck.
Because many cervical diseases are due to neck bending for a long time.
So don't even bend your neck as much as possible and straighten your neck from time to time if you have to.
Avoid exercises and movements where you have to bend your neck.
-If you are sitting down and have to bend your neck, be sure to use one of your hands to lower the weight of your head and the pressure on the cervical vertebrae to minimize neck injuries.
Patient Education Committee
Source: Bruner Nursing & Sudarth
#neck disc
#medical necklace
#workplace ergonomic
#herniated disc